% 1 - ορισμός. Τι είναι το Shove
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Τι (ποιος) είναι Shove - ορισμός

·- ·p.p. of Shove.
II. Shove ·noun The act of shoving; a forcible push.
III. Shove ·vi To push or drive forward; to move onward by pushing or jostling.
IV. Shove ·vt To push along, aside, or away, in a careless or rude manner; to Jostle.
V. Shove ·vi To move off or along by an act pushing, as with an oar a pole used by one in a boat; sometimes with off.
VI. Shove ·vt To drive along by the direct and continuous application of strength; to Push; especially, to push (a body) so as to make it move along the surface of another body; as, to shove a boat on the water; to shove a table across the floor.
v. a.
Push, propel.
Jostle, push aside, press against.
n. to give smb. a shove


Shove may refer to:
Παραδείγματα προφοράς για Shove
1. shove it for you.
Aisha Tyler _ Talks at Google
2. and shove them together.
The Ruin of Angels - A Novel of the Craft Sequence _ Max Gladstone _ Talks at Google
3. from Latin, ,, to shove in,
How DNA Makes Us Who We Are _ Robert Plomin _ Talks at Google
4. just give me a shove.
The Tides of Mind _ David Gelernter _ Talks at Google
5. till push comes to shove.
Making Sense of God - An Invitation to the Skeptical _ Tim Keller _ Talks at Google
Παραδείγματα από το σώμα κειμένου για Shove
1. You can‘t shove the undocumented genie back into the bottle.
2. "They have no right to push and shove," Rice said.
3. They began to push and shove, and then Kareem saw a knife on a table.
4. "It‘s a real New York story. . . . They shove it off on the side.
5. "Another Santa gave me a shove and they both ran off laughing.